Nutrition in Chinese Medicine: general important advice?
The main focus of Chinese medicine nutrition is prevention and general health. Everyone can maintain a well balanced condition with appropriate preparation and correct choice of foods and life habits.
Choosing foods in accordance with the seasons and personal constitution, protects the body against internal disorders.
Here is a general list of “dos and don'ts” within the vision of Chinese medicine nutrition.

Avoid cold, raw, or ice food and beverages as much as possible
Avoid tropical fruits
Avoid eating snacks between the meals
Heavily reduce oily food, fries, fried meal, …
Heavily reduce the intake of sugar and salt
Heavily reduce prepared foods, delicatessen, processed meals.
Heavily reduce animal dairy food
Avoid cold drinks or soda, excessive coffee or tea
Avoid eating after 8pm and at least 3 hours before going to bed
Avoid eating until full satiety (do not eat too much or too little)
Reduce alcohol consumption
Never rush your meals
Avoid emotionally charged discussions while eating
Avoid excessive consumption of meat
Excessive and prolonged fasting
Buy high-quality and unprocessed foods
Bring a maximum of variety
Eat fresh and healthy food
Take the time to chew properly (between 15 and 20 times each bite)
Eat every day at a regular time and in a calm environment
Use vegetable dairy (nuts, rice, soya, …)
Drink warm water
Eat light in the evening
Eat a proper breakfast in the morning
Enjoy your meals in a pleasant atmosphere
Eat with pleasure and in moderation
Eat breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a minister, and dinner like a beggar
Drink only small amounts of warm liquids during meals
Take into account your individual constitution and needs
Choose seasonal and local foods as much as possible
Food is the elementary material needed to build and regenerate the body structures. If you eat low quality food, you build low quality elements. If you have poor eating or living habits, your body suffers from poor regeneration.
If you want to be healthy, eating healthy is therefore mandatory. Keep in mind that it is impossible to expect to be healthy and strong, if the foods you are eating have poor nutritional value or are unhealthy.
To go further, paying attention to the Nature of the food allows us to adapt the current diet to the body needs of the moment, as well as to the climatic conditions. This will nourish the body in a balanced way.
In the summer, because of the heat and the need for the body to cool down, opt for foods of a cold or fresh Nature. On the contrary, in winter, favor hot or lukewarm meals in order to warm the body. In spring and autumn, transition seasons from hot to cold or from winter to summer, it is best to adapt your diet to the climates of the moment.

Written by Cedric Mallants / Acupunctuur en Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde therapist in Eindhoven.
Huang Di Nei Jing (黃帝內經)
The Tao of Healthy Eating (Bob Flaws)